A Transpersonal Guide
Rainer Pervöltz
I am glad to inform you that my book „Das Zentrale“, which I wrote in 2022, has been translated into English by Dennis Johnson and published in August 2024. Dennis did – as far as I can see – a marvelous translation; he and I have been in close exchange about the best way to express my intentions in another language.
The book is a practical and theoretical introduction to the concrete stages of a transpersonal therapeutic process. I mainly use the experiences of my own (lengthy) life to make you familiar with the unfolding of the transpersonal process as I have come to see it.
There is, to begin with, the exploration of the personal story under the searchlight of the “central“ life-theme. The personal “central“ can be found in every person’s life situation. It’s like the yarn of the protagonist’s narrative in the unfolding of the novel, and it has a lot to do with the person’s reason to be here on earth.
Discovering it implies a different therapeutic approach than “overcoming the ego“ or looking for “solutions“ to various problems. There is nothing to get rid of, every feature is meaningful in the novel. However, the central structure, which emerged as a form of protection for the child, becomes a tremendous challenge in adult life and is now the cause of most personal difficulties.
Retransforming it back to its essential origin melts the mechanics of the learned story and gradually helps to rediscover who one really is without the coercions of the “old central.“ Dream-body work is a sort of alchemical tool to achieve this transformation through expanded consciousness. (Arny Mindell was one of my most important teachers.)
There are numerous “exercitia“ which assist you in applying the outcomings of your findings to your very daily life and enable you further “to live your essence in the supermarket.”
Rainer Pervöltz
Price: €28 (English or German edition)
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