Transpersonal Arts Therapy

“Transpersonal Arts Therapy is a process wherein two or more people are communicating through art making or perceiving. It is not the surface that is so important but rather the way we can see through the surfaces and discover the messages within. We discover and witness the transcendence of soul material down to personal levels. This is a process that is not just done through the brain but rather through the heart – it is meditation in a very pure sense. The making and the dialoguing with the art work is healing work. This is a highly intimate process, not meant for the world but for the privacy of an inner dialogue, fragile, sensitive, respectful and acknowledging.”
(Sergej Fausto Sommer)

In the summer of 2011 members of the EUROTAS founded the Transpersonal Arts Therapy department.

Founders of EUROTAS Transpersonal Arts Therapy department:

Ingrida Indane (psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist, art therapy specialist, artist from Latvia;;
Sergej Fausto Sommer (transpersonal art therapist, artist  from Switzerland; )
Liv Evensen (art therapist, story teller, poet from Norway; )

Arts Therapy uses the language of various kinds of art in order to stimulate an individual’s self-discovery. It is also a link between a person’s inner, subjective world and outer, objective reality.

The notion of Arts Therapy appeared relatively late (in the mid-20th century), however a therapeutic function of various arts has been used in healing for thousands of years.  Its origins are to be found in the shaman’s rituals where drawings, symbols, music, dance, and theatrical elements were of great importance. Contemporary art and Art Therapy are separate branches having one major difference – in art it is the final result that matters, and in art therapy the most important part is the working process itself. Therefore, no preliminary knowledge in any of the arts is required to participate in Arts Therapy.

Transpersonal Arts Therapy, unlike other kinds of Arts Therapy, strictly respects a client’s/patient’s spiritual world view, and also makes use of the revelations caused by non-ordinary states of consciousness, that is, conclusions made during the states of visualization, various levels of trance, dreams, etc.

It also uses determined synthesis of elements from fine arts, drama, music, dance, and poetry in order to:

    • develop creativity, imagination, intuition and an individual’s spiritual growth,
    • deal with problematic situations on the level of intuition and figurative thinking,
    • stimulate emotional and physical self-regulation,
    • explore a person’s sense of life and possibilities of self-realization and growth
    • perfect the soul.

    We ask all transpersonal psychologists and psychotherapists, who are working with the different methods of Arts Therapy (visual arts, drama, music, dance, poetry), to contact us. We are interested in receiving your:

    • articles;
    • information about transpersonal art therapy projects, seminars and other activities for our EUROTAS website.

    Please, send your information to Ingrida Indane

    Let us further the development of this important branch of psychotherapy together!

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