Transpersonal Research

The EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research (EDTR) is a division inside EUROTAS devoted to research in the field of transpersonal psychology, Psychotherapy, and the broader social and human sciences. The specific aim of EDTR is to promote and expand the body of knowledge and to advance the state of the art of research in the field of transpersonal psychology, psychotherapy, and alternative healing practices. Research is deemed necessary for accreditation in some areas of health and social service such as educational institutions and health organizations. It is important that we are able to share our Transpersonal views, increase people’s awareness of spirituality and the promotion of higher states of Consciousness, provide expert support for the development of transpersonal psychology in the world and develop professional and academic networks globally.

Read more: EDTR Charter

EDTR E-mail:


The EDTR Core Team includes:

Chair of the EDTR and Co-Founder: Regina U Hess, PhD, Regina U. Hess, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist from Germany and holds a joint PhD in transpersonal psychology (USA/UK). She is a trauma-informed body-centered Gestalt psychotherapist, creative

therapist, and transpersonal psychotherapist. She is the founder/director of the ASE World Forum – Ancient Wisdom meets Modern Science in Amsterdam, NL, with a focus on the therapeutic use of altered states of consciousness, as well as shamanic practices and the work with creativity. She is faculty at international universities and transpersonal institutes.

Dr. Regina U. Hess is on the Board of Directors of the European Transpersonal Association and the International Transpersonal Association. She is co-founder of the international Transpersonal Research Network, and of the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research. She is a member of the Swiss Medical Association for Psycholytic Therapy and is in the Integration Team of the MIND Foundation.


Co-Founder: Giovanna Calabrese, MD, PhD, is an Italian psychiatrist and transpersonal psychotherapist, with a background in research using both a quantitative approach in the field of neuroimaging and qualitative methodology to explore non-ordinary state of consciousness. She practices and teaches research methodology in Italy.


Pier-Luigi Lattuada, MD, PhD, DPsy

Pier Luigi Lattuada of the Integral Transpersonal Institute, Milan, Italy and Sofia University Palo Alto Ca is a Medical Doctor. He has a Ph. D. in Behavioral Studies and a Psy. D. in Clinical Psychology. He is also a Psychotherapist. Founder of Biotransenergetics, Pier Luigi is the Director of the Transpersonal Psychotherapy School in Milan, which has been fully recognized by the Ministry of Education University and Research since 2002. He is also director of the Training in Transpersonal Counseling. He is Adjunct Faculty at Sofia University, Palo Alto, CA and Faculty and chair of BA on Integral Transpersonal Psychology at Ubiquity University.

Past medical director of Lifegate Holistic Medicine Clinic of Milan, Scientific Director of Integral Transpersonal Journal. He serve as co-Vice-President of EUROTAS. Pier Luigi has published sixteen books since 1985, more than 30 articles since 1980 and presented  Biotransenergetics in more than 50 International Conferences in several countries: Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Moldova, Latvia, Switzerland, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, USA, Brazil, Greece since 1988.



Lindy McMullin, has completed her PhD in the application of Ancient Greek myth and music in personal, professional and transpersonal development. She is the author ofA Soul’s Journey, the Essence of a Spiritual Path towards the Transpersonal (2014), and co-editor of andMetamorphosis through conscious living: A transpersonal psychology perspective (2017). She is in private practice as a transpersonal psychotherapist, educator and researcher in Greece.


NEW Professional EUROTAS Membership for Academics and Researchers


The EUROTAS Department for Transpersonal Research (EDTR) offers a EUROTAS professional membership for academics and researchers, as a platform for discussion on topics related to research in the transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy field, with a special focus on methodologies and ethics.

This is done through:

  • Consultancy with EDTR committee members (the three co-founders of EDTR), who are experts in the field
  • Support and co-sponsoring of the Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC) organized by the Transpersonal Research Network (TRN) (G. Calabrese and R. Hess of EDTR)
  • Possible publications in the Integral Transpersonal Journal (ITJ) and work as peer-reviewer
  • Research Ethics Committee Consultancy for independent researchers – (work in progress – (to be founded by EDTR)

Application: There are three possible memberships:

  1. EDTR for Professional/Academic/Research Member: For those holding a degree in human sciences (psychology, philosophy, social, educational) actively involved in research. Candidates must submit published articles in peer reviewed journals, and/or abstract of meeting presentations, books.
  2. EDTR for Student Member: For university graduate students in human sciences (psychology, social, education), actively involved in research projects. Candidates must submit an abstract of an ongoing project.
  3. “2 for 1” Combined Membership for ESTP and EDTR: for EUROTAS members with ESTP who qualify for the EDTR membership


Bonus of EDTR Membership:

  • Journal database: EDTR academic/research membership holder have free online access to the Integral Transpersonal Journal.
  • Reduced fee for the Transpersonal Research Colloquium.

Registration Form – Download


Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC)

The TRC is held biennially in different global locations with international hosts from the field. The colloquium offers the opportunity to elaborate, appreciate, and share a wide spectrum of research approaches developed and applied for studying transpersonal topics.

If you are interested to host a TRC in your institution in your country, please contact us for further information and discussion.

or Dr. Regina U. Hess:

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