Transpersonal psychology is a branch of psychology that integrates spiritual, mystical, and transcendent aspects of the human experience with traditional psychological models. Over the decades, various scholars, researchers, and practitioners have contributed to a transpersonal bibliography in different languages.
Transpersonal psychology is a growing field with rich contributions in multiple languages. While English literature has been foundational, other languages, especially Spanish, French, and Italian, have made significant contributions as well. Each culture adds a unique perspective to the understanding of consciousness, spirituality, and human potential, ensuring that the transpersonal approach is dynamic and globally relevant.
Here’s a brief list of notable transpersonal literature across languages, along with some key references.
- Anderson R., Braud W. (2011). Transforming Self and Others through Research: Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities SUNY Paperback.
- Assagioli R. (1965), Psychosynthesis, The Viking Press Inc., N.Y.
- Boorstein, S. (1997) Clinical Studies in Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Boorstein, S. (ed.) (1980) Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Palo Alto, CA: JTP Books. Boorstein, S. (ed.) (1996) Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Second edition.
- Bragdon, E. (1990) The Call of Spiritual Emergency. San Francisco: Harper and Row.
- Campbell J. (2003 Chalmers, D. (1996), The Conscious Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Chinen, A. B. (1996) The Emergence of Transpersonal Psychiatry, in Scotton, Choices. Shaftbury: Element Books.
- Chinen B. W., Battista, A. B. & J. R. (eds) Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology. New York: Basic Books, pp. 9–18.
- Clarke, I. (ed.) (2001). Psychosis and Spirituality: Exploring the New Frontier. London: Whurr Publishers, Ltd.
- Clarkson, P. (2002) The Transpersonal Relationship in Psychotherapy: The Hidden Curriculum of Spirituality. London: Whurr Publishers.
- Joseph Campbell, The hero with a thousand faces, Novato, California: New World Library.,
- Cortright, B. (1997). Psychotherapy and Spirit: Theory and Practice in Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Daniels, M. (2005). Shadow, Self, Spirit Essays in Transpersonal Psychology. Exeter:
- Deikman, A. J. (1996) in Boorstein, S. (ed.) (1996) Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Second edition. Albany: State University of New York Press
- Diespecker, D. (1991). One mind: An introduction to transpersonal psychology. Bellingen, NSW, Australia: Earthrise Press.
- Fadiman, J., & Frager, R. (2002). Personality and personal growth (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Ferrer, J. N. (2002) Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Spirituality. Albany: State University of New York Press
- Ferrer, J. N. (2017b). Participation and the mystery: Transpersonal essays in psychology, education, and religion. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
- Ferrucci, P. (1990) Inevitable Grace. Los Angeles: Tarcher.
- Ferrucci, P. (2000) What We May Be: Techniques for Psychological and Spiritual Growth. Los Angeles: Tarcher.
- Frager, R. (1989). Transpersonal psychology: Promise and prospects. In R. S. Valle & S. Halling (Eds.), Existential-phenomenological perspectives in psychology: Exploring the breadth of human experience (pp. 289–309). New York: Plenum Press.
- Grof, S. (1976). Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research. New York: Dutton.
- Grof, S. (1985. Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death and Transcendence in Psychotherapy. Albany NY, SUNY press.”
- Grof, S. (1988) Adventure of Self-Discovery. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Grof, S. (1996). Theoretical and empirical foundations of transpersonal psychology. In S. Borstein (Ed.),
- Grof, S. (2000). Psychology of the Future. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Grof, S. & Grof, C. (1998) Spiritual Emergency When Personal Transformation becomes a
- Hartelius Glenn, Friedman L. Harris, (2013). The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology. [edited by] Harris L. Friedman, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK
- Hess, R. U. (2019). Dark Retreat & Psychedelics¾A Femtheogen? In Wyrd, N., Luke, D., Tollan, A., Adams, C. & King, D. (Eds.) Psychedelicacies: More food for thought from breaking convention. Strange Attractor Press. pp 175-184
- Hess, R. U. (2018). Embodying the Sacred at the Threshold of Life and Death, Wounding and Healing: The Story of the Three Tsunamis. In Jahrsetz, I. B., Hess, R. U., Miller, J., & Pervöltz, R. (Eds.) (2018). Coming home: The intimacy of consciousness exploration and transpersonal psychotherapy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Ch 3, pp 49-56
- Hess, R. U. (2018). The Ancient Practice of Dark Retreat Meditation: An Endogenous Psychedelic and Divine Feminine Encounter. Implications from Transpersonal Theory, Research, and Practice. In McMullin, L., Hess, R. U., & Boucouvalas, M. (Eds.) (2018). Metamorphosis through conscious living: A transpersonal perspective. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ch 4, pp 54-64
- Hillman, J. (1997b). The Souls Code. New York: Warner Books.
- Hillman, J. (2004) Archetypal Psychology, third edition. Woodstock, CT: Spring
- Houston J. (1982), The Possible Human, Tarcher, Los Angeles.
- Jung, C. G. (1933). Modern Man in Search of a Soul. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
- Jung, C. G. (1958). Psychology of Religion: West and East, Volume 11 of Collective.
- Jung C. G. (1981), The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, second edition, Bollingen series XX, Princeton University Press, NY
- Jung, C. G. (1973). The Structure of the Unconscious. Volume 7 of Collective Works. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- Jung, C. G. (2004) Psychology and Alchemy. London: Routledge.
- Jung, C. J. (1974) Hull, R. F. C. Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche Volume 8 Collected Works. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Kelly, E. W., Jr. (1995). Spirituality and religion in counseling and psychotherapy: Diversity in theory and practice. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
- Lash, J. (1990). The seeker’s handbook: The complete guide to spiritual pathfinding. New York: Harper & Collins.
- Lattuada P.L. (2010). Second Attention Epistemology. Integral Transpersonal Journal, 0, 7-52
- Lattuada P.L. (2012). Second attention epistemology: Integral process evaluation grid (III part). Integral Transpersonal Journal, 2, 13-27.
- Lattuada P.L. (2013). BioTransenergetics. ITI ed. e-book, Milano
- Lattuada P.L. (2018). Beyond the Mind. ITI ed. e-book, Milano
- Lattuada P.L. (2022) Psychotherapy of the Future, Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
- Mann, R.D. (1984). The light of consciousness: Explorations in transpersonal psychology. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
- Maslow, A. H. (1968). Toward a Psychology of Being. New York: D. Van Nostrand.
- Maslow, A. H. (1993) The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. London: Penguin Arkana.
- Metzner, R. (1989). States of consciousness and transpersonal psychology. In R. S. Valle & S. Halling (Eds.), Existential-phenomenological perspectives in psychology: Exploring the breadth of human experience (pp. 329–338). New York: Plenum Press.
- Naranjo C. (1972), The One Quest, Virgin Press, New York.
- Naranjo C. (1989), How to Be, Meditation in Spirit and Practice, Tarcher, Los Angeles.
- Naranjo C. (1994), Character and Neurosis, Gateways, Nevada City.
- Naranjo C. (1994), The end of Patriarchy, Hamber Lotus, Oakland.
- Naranjo C. (1995), Native Psychotherapy, Hohm Press, Arizona.
- Owens C. (1963). Discovery of the Self. Christopher Publishing House, North Quincy.
- Owens C. (1963). Awakening to the Good. Christopher Publishing House, North Quincy.
- Pierrakos J. (1987). Corenergetics. Life Rhythm Publications. Mendocino.
- Rowan, J. (1993) The Transpersonal: Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Routledge.
- Scotton, B. W., Chinen, A. B. & Battista, J. R (eds) (1986). Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology. New York. Basic Books.
- Tart C. (2012), The End of Materialism, New Harbinger, Oakland, CA
- Tart C.T. (1977), States of Consciousness, Astrolabe Ubaldini, Rome.
- Tart, C. (1987). Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential. Boston: Shambhala.
- Tart, C. T. (1993). Mind embodied: Computer-generated virtual reality as a new, dualistic-interactive model for transpersonal psychology. In K. R. Rao (Ed.), Cultivating consciousness: Enhancing human potential, wellness, and healing (pp. 123–138). Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Tart, C. T. (1995). World parliament of superstition? Scientific evidence for a basic reality of the spiritual. ReVision, 18(1), 3–10.
- Tart, C. T. (1992). Transpersonal psychologies: Perspectives on the mind from seven great spiritual traditions (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco.
- Taylor, E. I. (1999). Shadow culture: Psychology and spirituality in America. Washington, DC: Counterpoint.
- Taylor, S. (2017). The leap: the psychology of spiritual awakening. Eckhart Tolle Edition. Novato, CA. New World Library,
- Varela, F. J., Thompson, E., & Rosch, E. (1991). The embodied mind: Cognitive science and human experience. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Vaughan F.E. (1989). Spirituality and Health in Transpersonal Psychology, Cittadella. Assisi.
- Vaughan, F. (1985). The Inward Arc. Boston: New Science Library.
- Vaughan, F. (1995a). Shadows of the sacred: Seeing through spiritual illusions. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.
- Walsh R and Vaughan F., edited by (1993). Paths Beyond Ego. Tarcher. Los Angeles.
- Walsh R. (1999), Essential Spirituality, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York.
- Weil P. (1992). L’uomo senza frontiere. Spigno Saturnia. Chrysalis,
- Welwood, J. (2000). Toward a psychology of awakening: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of personal and spiritual transformation. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications.
- Wilber, K. (1993). The Spectrum of Consciousness. Wheaton: The Theosophical
- Wilber, K. (1980). The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, Inc.
- Wilber, K. (1993a). Transformations of Consciousness. Wheaton: Quest Books.
- Wilber, K. (1997b). The eye of spirit: An integral vision for a world gone slightly mad. Boston, MA: Shambhala.
- Wilber, K. (2002). Up from Eden a Transpersonal View of Human Evolution. Second edition. Wheaton: Quest Books.
- Wilber, K. (2011). Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution. Boston. Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, Inc.
- Blin B, Chavas B (2009). Guérir l’ego, révéler l’être, le défi des thérapies transpersonnelles. Editions Trédaniel
- Blin B, Chavas B (2011 et 2024). Manuel de Psychothérapie transpersonnelle, fondements, mises en oeuvre, exemples cliniques. Interéditions
- Blin B, Delourme A (2016). Quand la conscience s’éveillera. L’Harmattan.
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- Станислав Гроф. “Области бессознательного: данные исследований ЛСД”. М., 1994
- Станислав Гроф. “Путешествие в поисках себя: измерения сознания и новые перспективы психотерапии и внутреннего исследования”. M., 1995
- Теренс Маккенна. “Пища богов: поиск первоначального древа знания”. М., 1995
- Маслоу А.Дальние пределы человеческой психики. Спб., Евразия, 1997.
- Фритьоф Капра. “Уроки мудрости: разговоры с замечательными людьми”. М., 1996
- Станислав Гроф и Джоан Хэлифакс. “Человек перед лицом смерти”. М., 1996
- Станислав Гроф “Холотропное сознание”. M., 1996
- “Пути за пределы “эго”: трансперсональная перспектива”. Под ред. Роджера Уолша и Френсис Воон. М.. 1996
- “Что такое просветление?” Под ред. Джона Уайта. М.. 1996
- Роджер Уолш. “Дух шаманизма”. М., 1996
- Станислав Гроф и Кристина Гроф “Неистовый поиск себя”. М., 1996
- Арнольд Минделл. “Дао шамана: путь тела сновидения”. 1996
- Стивен Лаберж. “Осознанные сновидения”. Киев, София, Трансперсональный Институт, 1996
- Станислав Гроф. “Космическая игра: исследование рубежей сознания”. М, 1997
- Ч. Тарт. “Пробуждение: преодоление препятствий к преодолению человеческих возможностей”. 1997
- С. Криппнер и Дж.Диллард. “Сновидения и творческий подход к решению проблем”. 1997
- К.Уилбер. “Никаких границ: восточные и западные пути личностного роста”. 1998
- К,Уилбер « Око духа». М., Трансперсональный институт, 2002
- Р.Уолш «Основания духовности», М., Академический проект, 2000
- Кристина Гроф «Жажда целостности», М., Институт трансперсональной психологии, 2000
- Станислав Гроф «Психология будущего», М., АСТ, 2001
- Т.Друри «Трансперсональная психология»М., 2001
- В. Козлов,В. Майков Основы трансперсональной психологии в 2-х томах учебное пособие для студентов психологических факультетов М., Трансперсональный институт, 2000
- Д.Спивак Измененные состояния сознания, СпБ.,2000
- Холотропное дыхание теория, практика, клиническое применение, М., Институт трансперсональной психологии, 2001
- В.В. Козлов «Психотехнологии измененных состояний сознания» М., Институт психотерапии, 2001
- Е.М. Крупицкий, А. Я.Гриненко «Стабилизация ремиссий при алкоголизме»
- «Психотерапия и духовные практики, Минск, 1998
- В.П. Колосов «Психотерапия детей и подростков»
- Подорога В. А.. Блокбастер // Искусство кино, №1. М.: 1999. С. 65-75.
- Кэмпбелл Дж. Тысячеликий герой. М.: Релф-бук, 1997. 384 с.
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- Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (JTP, 1969-)
- International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS, 1981-)
- Transpersonal Psychology Review (TPR, 1997-)
- Journal of Transpersonal Research (JTR, 2009-)
- Integral Transpersonal Journal (ITJ, 2010-) – EUROTAS Journal
- Association for Transpersonal Psychology (ATP, 1972-)
- International Transpersonal Association (ITA, 1978-)
- EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network (EUROTAS, 1984-)
- Iberoamerican Transpersonal Association (ATI, 2015-)
Integral Inquiry – William Braud
Intuitive Inquiry – Rosemarie Anderson
Embodied Spiritual Inquiry – Jorge Ferrer
Organic Inquiry – Jennifer Clements et al.
Glenn Hartelius – Quantitative Somatic Phenomenology
Transpersonal Arts-Based and Performative Approaches – Jessica Bockler
Metaphysical Approaches – Les Lancaster
Transpersonal Embodied Phenomenology & Arts/Film – Regina U. Hess
Integral Transpersonal Inquiry – Pier-Luigi Lattuada
Transpersonal Arts-based Approaches – Ingrida Indane
Transpersonal Filming as Research Method – Vladimir Maykov
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