EUROTAS Certifications for Professionals

Short history of EUROTAS Certification

We created the status of EUROTAS Professional member in 2013.
The list of Professional members consists of professionals in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, who have been certified by EUROTAS since January 2013 and also those who had been certified earlier and who agreed to become Professional members. In 2014 it was decided, that Professional members, who hold the European Certificate of Transpersonal Psychotherapy (ECTP) must revalidate their application every 7 years.

In 2021 it was decided, that European Certificate of Transpersonal Psychotherapy (ECTP) will be renamed as the Certificate of Transpersonal Psychotherapy (CTP). The holders of ECTP will receive CTP after their recertification process. The Criteria for obtaining ECTP and CTP are the same.

The Professional Leaf Membership is tailored for professionals and researchers in the Transpersonal Field. This includes psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, researchers and consultants.  With the Leaf Membership you can apply for Certification in Psychotherapy and Research at present (the certification process for other professionals will still be developed and published). The EUROTAS Certification, if granted, will give you a recognized certificate and provide you international visibility and opportunities on our online platform


ESTP Certification in Transpersonal Psychotherapy

Firstly, one should become a EUROTAS Leaf/Professional member to apply for EUROTAS certification.

Once the certification is obtained one must remain EUROTAS Leaf/Professional member for 7 years as the validation of the certification.

The process to obtain the Certificate of Transpersonal Psychotherapy (CTP) is the responsibility of the EUROTAS Committee for Certification and Accreditation (ECCA), which consists of at least 4 certified professional members certified in transpersonal psychotherapy. They meet 3 times a year.

The ESTP General Criteria for Certification are based on EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy) requirements to obtain the ECP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy) and on specific modalities of what is defined in transpersonal psychotherapy.

ESTP Code of EthicsRead more…

General Criteria for certification in Transpersonal PsychotherapyDownload…

Complaints ProcedureDownload…

Revalidation of certificate and CPD , Download…

Psychotherapists can become certified by Direct Award if they have graduated from an accredited EUROTAS Training Institute (EUTI) and accomplished a transpersonal psychotherapy training program, what corresponds with the ECCA/ESTP General Criteria for Certification:
Application form for CTP for graduates from accredited EUROTAS institutes (Direct Award), Download…

They can also obtain the Certificate of Transpersonal Psychotherapy (CTP) by Grandparenting:

Grandparenting procedure for CTP, Download…

CTP Application form for GrandparentingDownload…




The next ECCA/ESTP meeting will be held in February 2025. 
Please send your applications to by February 1, 2025.

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