Imagine a community of people with clear vision, open mind and light heart, people of good will, driven by heart, by awareness and compassion, by a sense of kinship, of sisterhood and brotherhood in symbiosis with mother earth.

Imagine a community of professionals that are dedicated to work together towards a culture of sharing, that know how to integrate science-art-spirituality, matter-energy-consciousness, body-emotions-mind, bringing forth a holocentric approach and tools which are grounded in the transpersonal vision and in service to the ceremony of life.

Imagine EUROTAS, the Global Transpersonal Network, a growing Mycelium of individuals, professionals and organizations that aims to create a space for formation, transformation and realization according to the transpersonal model of experience, that can bring forth a practice and a theory based on inner awareness and scientific validity.


EUROTAS, previously the European Transpersonal Association, came into existence when a group of friends from different countries, practitioners and researchers in psychology, consciousness, and spirituality, decided to gather yearly to develop the field of transpersonal study. It was officially founded in 1984 during the first European Transpersonal Conference, in Brussels. The first EUROTAS meetings had been profound discussions which led to engaged actions in a family-like atmosphere. Since 2000 EUROTAS organizes a yearly congress to connect the Transpersonal community and support the integration of transpersonal values within modern society.

Today, EUROTAS is the Global Transpersonal Network, a meeting hub for all the transpersonal community worldwide. We currently have hundreds of members from more than 30 countries, professionals and organizations which are certified by EUROTAS, and we hold a yearly international congress to gather the community and promote a transpersonal vision in therapy, education, research, culture and society.

EUROTAS Vision statement: We envision EUROTAS as the mycelium web connecting and empowering the worldwide ecosystem of the transpersonal community for collective awakening.

EUROTAS Mission statement: We aim to create the Global Transpersonal Network to support and promote a transpersonal vision in therapy, education, research, culture, and society.

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