Corona and Beyond: Transitioning to a New Paradigm

You are invited to join Corona and Beyond: Transitioning to a New Paradigm, a free online event, exploring transpersonal dimensions and perspectives on global transformation. The time for profound change has come. As COVID-19 has humanity in its grip, we stand on the edge of the known.

Beyond the pain and disruption, we may sense the emergence of new possibilities of being. Join us in this online session convening people working in the fields of integral and transpersonal studies.

Together we will explore how deep ecological, transpersonal and spiritual perspectives can open new perspectives and ways of life, bringing us back into closer relationship with the anima mundi – the world soul.

The event is taking place on Tuesday, 9th June, from 19:30-21:30 BST, on the Zoom platform. Please register using the above link! We look forward to sharing this space with you for collective contemplation and reflection. Read more

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