Genuine Psychotherapy – Healing the Emotional Pandemic
…Panic disorder teaches self-connection with love, secure attachment, and deeply empathetic character stability. Generalized anxiety (with the frequent “tail” of depression and tips of OCD, hypochondria, agoraphobia, etc.), according to the underlying character structure and masks, teaches humble confidence in losing neurotic control and gaining equanimity in the presence of the spirit, calmly stated assertively in the strong social, creative life. The OCD turns from a scourge into a pushing engine and a path to oneself, following a clear algorithm of processing. Social anxiety, following the whole dialectical vector of character transformation, turns out to contain in itself a crystal-clear didactic path and steps towards the transmutation of the character core into a socially self-confident one, actively turning the world into a brighter living space through self-challenging creativity. Partner relationship cases in the family system are transformed from “problems” into individual and joint development in the “family life academy”.
The above is only a hint … I claim that in genuine psychotherapy we are only humble facilitators of transpersonal, loving wisdom embedded in the addressed disorder, aiming to transform the upright primate into a Godman through character coordination with meaning, increasingly active in creative social presence.
In short, in genuine psychotherapy we are active helpers in the metamorphosis of the emotional neurotic and characteropathic pandemic of loveless nonsense, in a life of love, wisdom and truth of the Bodhisattva / Divine essence…
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Orlin Baev