Energy, Love and Consciousness in the Expanded Realities of our Existences
Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP
I still have a very vivid memory of my own birth with the sun into sunrise and I felt the Power of Life surging through me; the desire to be here on this earth – to bring joy to a family who was happily awaiting me – to share my love, radiance and knowledge from the spheres I was descending from.
I was the shining light for my family, but due to losses and other difficult situations, increasing darker shadows developed and in this changed atmosphere I realized, that my parents would never be able to see me in my original intention of manifesting and therefore they would not be able to support my envisioned path of unfolding.
I felt a loss of connection and could not tap into the ‘knowing’ of the expanded space of existence any more. Despair clouded my way and my wish to leave this life succeeded.
Five years old, I fell into a lonesome pool where I drowned – until ease and lightness surrounded me – a deep silence and peace, that turned into a vibration which became a sound – the sound turned into a voice, expressing: “NOT NOW!” – I was given a choice and I made a commitment to stay and to “initiate Light in peoples bodies and lives!”
In that moment I was pulled out of the water, brought into a nearby clinic, and during the procedures I saw my concerned parents behind the doctor. I loved them, but I also made the early decision, “that I will not make my life anymore dependent on their shortcomings”.
A Near Death Experience can catapult us into a space, in which we can perceive beyond the ordinary – connecting us with information that has always been available and that we can always reconnect with.
This experience guided my path to search for meaning and lead me to spiritual teachers, shamans and scientists worldwide and initiated my own research with Infrared Analysis and Bio-Photon Measurement to find explanatory models for anomalous experiences or so called paranormal phenomena and to expand the present scientific understanding of the world. (1)
In my early NDE I had been gifted with an experience that allows me to perceive and see energy fields, to be sensitive to ESP and other expanded realities.
My life moved on with a fairly normal childhood, school, sports, etc. – with one difference, that I always wondered, if others could also see or perceive the energy around people? Since that had become ‘normal’ for me.
I also felt increasingly a longing for a place I must had once lived. I became more sensitive perceiving the energies of my surroundings and sometimes felt estranged. Not knowing how to talk about it, left me with a sense of being alone in this world.
When I was about 12 years old, I found a book on Tibet in the library. I was up reading all night. A surge of aliveness was flowing through my body, a recognition and resonance, a ‘knowing’, that I had also lived there once!
I felt a veil had opened, and that I had been re-initiated or had re-initiated myself. I felt a sense of belonging – I connected again with a source, that I had no thoughts or words for.
I had been touched by a moment, that lead me out of an existential loneliness into a transpersonal connectedness. (2)
I got then early engaged into Tibetan Buddhism and Zen groups, Sufism, studied Sri Aurobindo, Tagore, Krishnamurti and others.
In 1975 then, when I was invited to visit a Think-Tank with Ivan Illich, Erich From and others in Cuernavaca, Mexico – I could deepen my exploration in Native Wisdom and the expansion of my personal consciousness in the direct meetings with Mexican Shamans.
All these experiences confirmed my perceptions of the expanded dimensions of our existence. I wished then in my academic studies to find deeper insights and explanatory models – but at that time I only found scientific reductionism, and brain-function as the ‘holy grail’ for the description of our life in this vast and fantastic universe.
We more and more gain insight, that the primary role of the brain is not to think or to feel, but to establish, form, support and sustain harmonious and functional relationships among all parts – establishing a homeostasis in our system.
Erik Kandel, who received the Nobel Price for the discovery of Neuroplasticity, expresses in his University-textbook: Principles of Neural Science: “We do not know so far, how the firing of specific neurons lead to a conscious perception.” That means, how can an objective event – the firing of neurons – become a subjective perception, like: “I love life!” or Ï like you.”
I knew then very early, that to live and express myself authentically and freely, and travel the world, I had to leave academia, to co-found alternative schools and later create my own Institutes in which I could conduct my own teachings and research. (3)
Every person is a Matrix of Body, Emotions, Feelings, Brain Activity, Thinking, Mind and Consciousness. In my work of Core Evolution I address this as the Body-Feeling-Mind Field. (4)
That means we are vibratory beings in the spectrum of subtle energy and dense matter. Consequently, we also have to consider other factors, that can run independent of the brain and that Consciousness is processed in the whole Body-Feeling-Mind Field.
Here we have to expand the description of memory and how we hold and recall images in our field of consciousness.
In 1975, at the University of Kassel, Germany, I met the Neuroscientist Karl Pribram and was fascinated, since his theory of a Holographic Memory was exactly what I saw and experienced:
That every cell and cell formation transmits information. And at the very moment of memory all parts of an experience – from wherever in the subtle or dense field of the Body-Feeling-Mind System, in the speed of light, contributes to re-call information, so that the brain and other systems form the energetic information to a Gestalt of experience, that we then may hold as representations in our system. (Formulation by me.)
This reminded me also of the moment, when in 1973, during a visit at Krishnamurti’s school in Brookwood Park in England, I got introduced to the physicist David Bohm. I felt very intrigued by their dialogues about the Implicate Order, as a deeper fundamental order of reality and Bohm’s concept of the Holographic Universe, in which each part contains the information of the whole.
In the unfolding Holographic Universe we can tap into the memory of all times.
This leads me to another experience of Expanded Reality: In 1993 I was on my way from California to meet with a 103 year old healer in Albuquerque, New Mexico. On the way I stopped at Monument Valley, Arizona, on the Navajo reservation.
Stepping out of the car a warm wind hits me from the high desert. I intensely listen. My body and all my system is alert. There is a call I have to follow. I nervously jump back into the car and let myself be guided to a part of the valley without people.
The wind comes up again – and the valley fills with people from a time long gone.
A male and female elder leader guide a woman about my age towards me. They speak a language I don’t know, but I understand: The woman and I should be messengers and go into the world and teach the wisdom of the Light beyond all cultures and boundaries!
With the fading image I had a deep desire to lie down on the ground and to integrate the experience in relation to the land.
Later I realized, that in this life I studied Ethnology, Anthropology, Education and Psychology, worked with many teachers from different fields and cultures and ultimately with Prof. F.A. Popp, the leading researcher of biological light at that time – and I teach now on four continents – so far I fulfilled a great part of that vision I tapped into….
My commitment to “initiate Light in people’s bodies and lives” is still resonating within me and guides me in my ongoing explorations of Energy, Love and Consciousness in the expanded realities of our existences………
1) See also the lecture at the conference Beyond the Brain, Scientific and Medical Network, November 2022 or on the Science and Consciousness Conference (on our website)
(2) If interested you can read more in my article Transpersonal Dimensions of Embodiment in the Handbook for Transpersonal Psychology – or email me and I will send you a copy of the article:
(3) • International Institute of Energy & Consciousness and
• International Training Institute for Core Evolution and CoreSoma
I kept my open affiliation with academia in being part of the teaching faculty at: – 2006 – 2012 at the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute as part of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and
– 2012 – 2019 JFK University, Orinda, CA in Somatic Psychology
(4) More information you find on our website:
In case you want to add some bio you can take some info from here:
Siegmar Gerken, PHD, ECP, HP studied psychology, education and anthropology. He taught on the faculty of the JFK University Somatic Psychology Department, the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute, the Esalen Institute, and the Behavioral Therapy Training Institute in Hamburg.
From learning and teaching with John C. Pierrakos, MD for nearly 20 years (until 2001), meeting Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm (1973 – 1983), practicing Zen and exploring many other realms of consciousness, Dr. Gerken has always been interested in building bridges between Psychology, Education (co-founding alternative schools), Dance, Art and Spirituality, Environment, Personality and Eco-Psychology, Science, Medicine, Healing and the subtle dimensions of life.
He now teaches at universities and private institutes world wide, on the interconnectedness of psychosomatic processes as they manifest on the levels of body, emotions, mind, will and consciousness. For almost 15 years, Dr. Gerken also led Change Management workshops at the Norwegian Defense University College.
His research in human energy field documentation with Prof. F. Popp on psycho-emotional states of our Body-Feeling-Mind Field, opened new horizons to scientists and practitioners. He is co-founder of the Scientific Committee of the EABP. Dr. Gerken is a lecturer, therapist, trainer and supervisor.
• Siegmar co-founded the therapy and consulting International Training Institute of Core Evolution® and CoreSoma® with his wife Cornelia;
• established the specialized Core Evolution Trauma Trainings™– addressing the integration of unresolved stress patterns and Developmental-, Shock-, Family-, Generational- and Collective Trauma;
• and created the International Institute for Energy & Consciousness® for applied Mindfulness in Psychology, Spirituality and Science, which also includes the: – Management teaching in Authority and Leadership and the Energy, Love and Consciousness programs, connecting with the Essence within and the Knowledge of the larger Existence.